Male doctors don’t think twice about telling us to have our reproductive organs removed – while they would not even consider such a treatment for themselves.

It is time that we women reclaim our natural role as the true gatekeepers of health for ourselves and our children. The simple truth of the matter is that there is no person who cares more about your health than you. And there is no person who cares more about the health of your children than you do.
My mission is to help women and mothers regain their role as gatekeeper of their health. It is important to have the knowledge to make correct decisions and the confidence to stand for what you know is right.
It is somewhat ironic that we have delegated this duty to a male dominated profession, who oftentimes talk down to us with arrogance and treat us as less than them. Seldom do these professionals have the time to understand our needs and concerns, typically ignoring, discounting, or cutting short what we have to say. Their solution for almost anything that ails us is to prescribe a medication, often to our detriment or the detriment of our children. They don’t think twice about telling us to have our reproductive organs removed – while they would not even consider such a treatment for themselves.
Historical records show quite clearly that we are the traditional gatekeepers of health. While men were off hunting women were gathering foods, herbs and medicinal plants. We protected our children from harm, we nourished them, and we tended to their every need. We had a wide range of natural remedies at our disposal and we used them to provide the best care we could. That is our history and our duty, and we should be proud of it. Additionally, turning over responsibility of our health care to doctors is just not working. This is evidenced by growing disease and obesity, even in children.
As a mother of four grown healthy children, and an advocate for women and natural health, there is much that I will share with you through "Living Well with Mary Elle." My ongoing message will be that of empowerment, woman to woman, mother to mother.