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Mindful Monday: Greet the World with a Smile

The first and most important step to success is to greet the world with your smile!

As the song goes, you're never fully dressed without your smile.

I found in my personal life and with my career people respond positively when they see a face with a smile!

It gives them the feeling that this is a nice person to talk to, a person who is friendly and approachable. Here’s a person who cares.

And it’s simple. No matter how we feel, remember your smile! It’ll make you and others feel good and help you succeed in life!


Mindful Monday: Greet the World with a Smile

The first and most important step to success is to greet the world with your smile!

As the song goes, you're never fully dressed without your smile.

I found in my personal life and with my career people respond positively when they see a face with a smile!

It gives them the feeling that this is a nice person to talk to, a person who is friendly and approachable. Here’s a person who cares.

And it’s simple. No matter how we feel, remember your smile! It’ll make you and others feel good and help you succeed in life!


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