With reports of growing numbers of people dealing with anxiety and the prediction this will worsen, we find ourselves in a unique situation. Loss of jobs, loss of stability, and not knowing what is ahead naturally causes great worry.
At Wellness Resources, we have always focused on solutions. We have brought reliable answers and effective options to people for 35 years to help people live their lives as healthily and happily as possible. This time is no exception.
Wellness Resources has formulated a unique supplement called Calm in our new well+vita brand to reach even more people in the digital world.
Calm brings a feeling of relaxation to the system naturally, without drowsiness. And it works! I can tell you that as I’ve been taking it every day for the past four or five months. Even with the current situation and other factors, including a move, I have been able to remain calm through this.
My nerves feel relaxed, not on edge. I don’t feel like a Brillo pad inside, instead it feels smooth. I am able to make needed decisions and act. As a result I’ve been able to be a stable force for myself and others. I’m grateful for this.
We all need more calm in our lives.
Take care and be well,
Mary Elle
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.