Q: I have excess weight around my mid section, I’ve tried diets but they don’t work. What do you suggest?
A: It’s best to eat in rhythm with your body. It becomes about when you eat.
The following are 5 guidelines of the Leptin Diet that are a way of life long term, not a fad diet.
Once you follow these for a week or two you’ll see your metabolism click into gear, and you’ll start to begin to lose weight healthily and steadily. You’re allowing time to burn calories between meals. This truly is a healthy way of eating in rhythm with your body.
1. Never eat after dinner. Finish eating dinner at least three hours before bed.
2. Eat three meals a day. Allow 5-6 hours between meals. Do not snack between meals.
3. Do not eat large meals. Finish a meal when you are slightly less than full.
4. Eat a high protein breakfast. Aim for 20-30 grams of protein at breakfast.
5. Reduce the amount of carbohydrates eaten. Limit carbs, don't cut out carbs completely. Go for complex carbohydrates with lots of fiber.
Following these guidelines is easy, and taking the Leptin Control Pack can help with cravings and help you to be able to go 5-6 hours between meals for optimum calorie burning and metabolism function. The Leptin Control pack contains individually wrapped single-serving packets with the below supplements within each. You can always try each supplement formula individually too!
Leptinal helps improve thyroid and leptin function to boost and maintain your metabolism. it also helps with cardiovascular health. This is a great one!
Thyroid Helper helps your thyroid health which helps helps your metabolism, your mood, and energy levels. As we get older, it's common for our thyroid to slow down, so it can be helpful to give your thyroid nutritional support.
Stress Helper helps reduce stress which can help reduce stress eating. The nutrients in Stress Helper help boost your mood, support your nervous system, and help metabolism of fatty acids.
LeptiSlim is another one of our signature metabolism supplements! It helps reduce cravings for sugar and carbs while also promoting healthy insulin function. It can help your brain receive accurate full signals when eating.
Cinnamon Plus is a high-quality cinnamon supplement that helps healthy blood sugar and cholesterol metabolism which helps manage weight.
Quercetin is an incredibly versatile antioxidant which science shows to inhibit the formation of new fat cells. It also helps with your immune system which we all could benefit from right now.
I take a Leptin Control packet each day. It helps me stay energized and and keeps my metabolism going strong. Give it a try, and let me know how it works for you!
Be Well,
Mary Elle